The DOBOT | CR5 equipped with 3D vision demonstrates bin picking of flanges. The robot accurately picks out a flange and places it in a stack. The vision enabled CR5 can automatically sense obstacles and avoid them. For more details: iMS Motion Solution (Johor) Sdn Bhd Tel: +607-8635240 Email: #ims #imsmotionsolution #dobot #mg400 #xtstechnologies #xtstech #robotics #technology #automations #industry4_0 #factory #robotics #cobotics #collaborativerobots #industrialautomation #artificialintelligence #RobotArms #industrialrobots #smartfactory #robotweek #robotics #cobotics #collaborativerobots #industrialautomation #artificialintelligence #RobotArms #industrialrobots #smartfactory #automation #robots #cobotics #collaborativerobots #industrialautomation #artificialintelligence #RobotArms #industrialrobots #factoryautomation #ai #vision #WeldingRobot #Dobot #robotics #cobotics #collaborativerobots #artificialintelligence #RobotArms #industrialrobots #smartfactory #IO_Link #communication #smartsolution #adio #ethercat #ethernetip #profinet #atiolink

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The DOBOT | CR5 equipped with 3D vision demonstrates bin picking of flanges

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