
You definitely haven’t considered the process of picking and placing performed by a human. However, have you ever thought about how to #pickandplace smartphones using a #robotic arm and what perks it might bring to the business? 📌Today, #production line automation has become safer and faster with the use of DOBOT MG400 and its sliding rail. #MG400 is a lightweight collaborative robot that can pick and place smartphones in consumer #electronics, ensuring high accuracy and speed of the operation in the long run. Sliding rail enables a larger workspace, allowing the #cobot to move in the working environment. Discover more ways how to automate #manufacturing with DOBOT MG400 👉 #robots #roboticarm #cobots #collaborativerobots #automation #industrialautomation #industry40 #artificialintelligence #automationsolutions #industrialrobots #factoryautomation #processautomation #desktoprobot #imsmotionsolution #IMS

Although pick and place is one of the simplest repetitive tasks in #manufacturing, hence businesses need to #automate this process

Do you know how to configure the ROS2 operation node for the #DOBOT MG400 collaborative robot?

Dobot CR5 robot chef at china noodle restaurant!!

Festo | Perfectly sized automation components with engineering tools

You definitely haven’t considered the process of picking and placing performed by a human.

DOBOT CR | Healthcare Industry