#BellaBot is designed to assist in providing better dining services. Ristorante Pizzeria FuoriCittà is a family-run restaurant, it was born about 20 years ago, and they chose to use BellaBot after the restaurant renovation. With the cooperation of BellaBot and the waiters, they gained better customer reviews. The owner and manager of the restaurant, Valentina, said they were very satisfied with BellaBot and were considering introducing one more robot. For more details: iMS Motion Solution (Johor) Sdn Bhd Tel: +607-8635240 Email: #IMS #IMSMOTIONSOLUTION #PUDUBOT #pudurobotics #ims #robotics #PuduRobotics #servicerobot ##deliveryrobot #robot #contactlessdelivery #puduroboticsindonesia #italy #pizzeria
Pudu BOT

Pudu Robotics | BellaBot serves at Hotel Elements in Poland

PuduBot 2 Challenge | Mapping in Large Scenes

Pudu Robotics | BellaBot x Pudu Pager

Pudu Robotics | BellaBot serves at Ristorante Pizzeria FuoriCittà in Italy

SwiftBot Commercial Launch | Pudu Robotics

BellaBot serves at Johnny's Restaurant in Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur | Pudu Robotics